The library not only has specialized resources related to engineering, and also a wide variety of materials including general books, magazines, and audiovisual data. It provides an environment perfect for learning and research with services such as a wireless LAN station and copying services.
- Books
- 169,916 volumes (as of May 1, 2020) excepting digital books
- Magazines
- 436 types (426 Japanese, 10 Western)
- Facilitie
- Total area (third and fourth floor) 1,857m³
- Total seats
- 299 seats
Reading in the Library
The book stacks in the reading rooms are fixed wooden stacks and automated stacks. Each reading room has fixed and automated stacks taking up an equal amount of space at the northern half of the room. Books are arranged on the stacks from west to east according to the Nippon Decimal System for book classification; the third floor stacks contain primarily humanities and social science books, and the fourth floor stacks are mainly natural science and engineering books. As all of the stacks are open, you can take books as you like from the stacks for browsing. Relatively new books are arranged on the fixed stacks, and relatively old books are arranged in the automated stacks. Internet connection through wireless LAN is possible in the reading room. On the third floor, there is also a section with 20 direct plug-in ports located along the south windows.
AV Booth (Learning Commons)
The Learning Commons comes equipped with an AV booth, and the following audiovisual equipment.
VHS/DVD players: 10 units
Electronic Data Corner
Enormous amounts of electronic data are now available. These take forms such as electronic data packaged as CD-ROMs and data existing on the Internet. In response to such trends, an electronic data corner has been established in front of the office with three computers (with one printer) connected to the Internet.
Data Search Service
It is now becoming an increasingly important mission of university libraries to provide services for access to the enormous amount of academic information existing on the Internet. Our library is also working assiduously to provide such services.
Material Search
The materials in our library are arranged according to the Nippon Decimal Classification (NDC) 9th Edition. Library users are welcome to remove reading materials from the stack and browse through them in the reading room.
Computer Search
The data on books, magazine, audiovisual, and other materials in the library’s collection have been entered in the computer. Please use the terminals available in the library to search for materials necessary. Search can be conducted in various ways including book name, author name, and name of work. Search for materials in the library can also be done through computers connected to the Internet.